Current Research
Current Research
Nonlinear Optimization
Nonlinear Optimization
Design and analysis of Nonlinear Optimization algorithms.
Extensive testing of the performance of the algorithms.
My research interests include Derivative-Free Optimization, Adaptive Sampling,
Stochastic Optimization, Constrained Optimization etc.
Collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Internship at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Conference presentations: IOS 2022, ICCOPT 2022, SIAM OP23, INFORMS Annual Meeting 23.
Adaptive Sampling Augmented Lagrangian
Adaptive Sampling Augmented Lagrangian
Published in "Computers & Mathematics with Applications" (2023).
Check out the presentation.
Previous Research
Previous Research
Navigation of Autonomous Robots (Summer '20)
Navigation of Autonomous Robots (Summer '20)
Check out our conference paper.